Towards an Institutional Social Contract and Sustainable Development in Libya

Towards an Institutional Social Contract and Sustainable Development in Libya

By Dr Mazen MJAWAZ

There is no doubt that the reality of today’s Arab world requires more studies and research, as well as a re-examination of many of the policies and standards being followed, especially after what has been dubbed the “Arab Spring”, which has torn apart the social fabric in more than one Arab country.
Libya is classified among the countries lacking a social and economic vision; it is thus confronted with the structural challenges of drafting a new social contract, institutionalizing the State and strengthening the country’s sustainable development framework. Therefore, there are many ideas and proposals that Dr. Elseddik Khalifa Haftar has submitted with a view to building a prosperous State governed by the rule of law and institutions, as well as for establishing an inclusive national identity under the umbrella of this same State. In his suggestions, Dr. Haftar particularly emphasized the social security network, which is on his list of priorities and at the center of his vision for the future of Libya.

Bearer of dreams and hopes
Elseddik is the eldest son of Field Marshal Khalifa Haftar, commander-in-chief of the Libyan National Army (LNA). Coming from an ancient Libyan family, he holds a doctorate in international law. Moreover, having an assertive personality and enjoying a strong charisma, Elseddik Haftar is today the bearer of the dreams and hopes of the Libyan youth – through his love and dedication to his homeland, his magnanimity and his elegance.
For Dr. Haftar, social security is an inalienable right that all Libyan citizens should benefit from without distinction. He thus argues that the State has the obligation to adopt effective social policies to combat poverty, unemployment and marginalization. He also maintains that the State must also encourage civil society organizations to support a fair and adequate social security network for all citizens, in order to ensure them a decent life and guarantee them their rights. In his opinion, social security contributes to the founding of societies governed by social justice and where stability reigns, as well as it allows the equitable distribution of wealth and stimulates participation in the decision-making process.

Arranging social security
In the social contract established between the individual and the State, social security is the responsibility of the State. It is considered the main element of the social pact. The State is thus committed to providing social assistance and medical care, ensuring the minimum required health, housing and education services. Elseddik Haftar is doing everything in his power to develop the social security network with all its requirements, in order to guarantee a minimum decent life for Libyan citizens and contribute to filling the deficiencies that society suffers. He is firmly convinced that the social security network in Libya must be expanded to guarantee the rights of individuals as well as equality between women and men, in order to enshrine everyone’s right to social security in the social contract, the Constitution, policies and legislation, as an inalienable right.
Dr. Haftar also works for the consecration of the right to work, without discrimination between individuals. For him, as one of the multiple aspects of social security, it is essential to adopt a method of combating unemployment and to develop effective policies for the labor market – through the creation of employment opportunities and the reintegration of the unemployed into the working forces. At the same time, with particular regard to the vulnerable and marginalized strata of Libyan society, Dr. Haftar never ceases to reach out to them to consolidate social interaction, tirelessly striving to integrate them into the social security network in order to rehabilitate their members and make Libya benefit from their productive capacities.

The bet on youth
Elseddik Haftar is convinced that helping Libyan society to improve its daily reality requires the creation of social environments conducive to productive projects for people with disabilities and special needs, as well as for people receiving social assistance. He therefore insists on the deployment of devices supposed to involve people with disabilities and special needs, as well as widows, in productive and economic processes. Dr Haftar also advocates for the establishment of support mechanisms for the unemployed – training and reintegration programs that will allow them to find new jobs. In his eyes, it is also essential to forge plans and devise procedures to target employees and workers in the private sector, as well as self-employed people settled on their own account.
In addition, firmly convinced of the decisive role that youth plays within society, Elseddik Haftar assiduously promotes and defends the place of young people in the social fabric, to guarantee their future and support their modern ambitions. This implies the need to unify the social security institutions and to consider restructuring them according to the emerging needs of society, in particular as regards one-off social assistance paid to insured persons. Dr. Haftar is thus betting on investing in the educated and cultured young Libyan generation, whom he considers to be an active and real partner in the development of a bright future for Libya. A new generation whose participation in the improvement of the Libyan social reality, its development and its compliance with the requirements of today, is essential.

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